linux Part 4
Linux Shell Basics
Linux Shell is the programs that takes commands from the keyboard
and gives them to Kernel to execute.
Bourne Again Shell (Bash)
Acts as the shell program within the command line interface
There are other Shells you can use in Linux such as:
Ksk (Korn Shell)
Tcsh (Tee See shell)
Zsh (Zeeshell)
A shell can be accessed by running the terminal, the terminal will
open a window to allow the user to interact with the Shell, there are
a bunch of terminal emulators you can use such as:
They all basically do the same thing.
Linux commands
ls – this is going to list you the files and folders in the system
cd – this is going to allow you to change directly
mv – move a file or a directory mv /home/rwelsh/testfile.txt /home/rwelsh/Directoy
man – used to list all the information about a specific command, for example man ls
clear – will clear all the previous commands
mkdir – will create a directory/ folder for example mkdir sampledir
rmdir – will remove an empty directory
touch – is used for creating a file – for example touch samplefile.doc
rm – is used to remove files and directories, where as rmdir will only remove an empty folder.
locate – this is used to find a file in the system just like on a MAC or Windows system
Managing Software Packages
Packages are a compressed file archive containing all the files that
come with a particular installation.
Packages come with scripts that say where the files and folders need
to be installed to, also the package comes with scripts that have a list
pre-requisite files known as dependencies that are required for the
package to install.
When dependencies are required we need to have a packet manager
that can verify that the dependencies and version is installed, if its not
installed we want the packet manager to download and install for us.
If you use Debian / Ubuntu you are are going to use DPKG APT-GET
If you use Redhat CentOS or Fedora you are are going to user rpm
yum dnf Commands instead.